




June 22, 2023 at SUPMTI-RABAT


the first workshop


Digitalization, Industry and Environmental Protection: Constraints and Prospects




digitalization at the service of industry and Renewable Energies



Energy and Artificial Intelligence are the key words of the open challenge that dominates our world and its future.

Digitalization, Industry and Environmental Protection: Constraints and Prospects (DIPECP), is a multidisciplinary workshop which will be held on June 22, 2023 at the Higher School of Management, Telecommunications and Computer Science – SupMTI-Rabat – Morocco.

DIPECP, is a meeting dedicated to cutting-edge research that meets the scientific needs of academic, industrial and professional researchers to explore new horizons of knowledge on various subjects, in particular the field of artificial intelligence and its energy and industrial applications.

The workshop is expected to include high quality contributions during the presentation sessions and to engage the participants in interesting discussion sessions. Accepted abstracts will be presented as an oral or poster presentation in the corresponding workshop session listed under topics of interest.

The workshop is aimed at Teacher-Researchers, PhD students, Producers and Suppliers of electricity, Managers of electrical networks, and addresses the main research problems in the specified areas of interest and their applications in commercial markets, in the technical fields and industry, from resource assessment to market and policy developments, drawing on cutting-edge experiences around the world.



- A comprehensive presentation of the state of the art as well as research development and challenges in renewable energies, artificial intelligence and its applications in industry.

- Discussion of topics such as new techniques, device concepts and applications.

- Analysis of opportunities and barriers hindering the development of Renewable Energies in the world and in Morocco

- Take advantage of global experiences in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Industry and Renewable Energies.

- Provide an opportunity to discuss practical recommendations on the subject.


Submit Abstract

To submit your abstract to DIEPCP, follow our step-by-step guide on how to submit:

1) Identify which conference theme you would like to submit an abstract for.

Find the full list of all DIEPCP themes here.

2) Download the abstract template.

3) Prepare your abstract according to the abstract template.

4) Submit your abstract via the abstract submission system.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and email us at diepcp23@gmail.com.

Please note: Abstracts can only be submitted via the online abstract submission system, Abstracts submitted via email can not be accpeted, Abstract must be submited in PDF Format.




Topics within the scope of the Workshop include the following areas, but not limited to:


  • Energy transition: issues, challenges, innovations
  • Predictability, Distribution, and Variability of Renewable Energies
  • Optimization of wind and solar systems
  • Numerical Simulation at the service of Renewable Energies
  • Electrical network planning and optimization tools;
  • Smartgrid/Smart-City
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Big data
  • Machine Learning
  • Connected Cities: Risks and Solutions
  • Smart Home
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • The Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Industry 4.0
  • Sustainable sourcing
  • Eco-Production and Eco-Design
  • Industrial chains
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Materials and Environment
  • Wastewater depollution
  • Protection of materials in industrial installations


Publishing your work


coming soon.....




  • Registration on the DIEPCP website is mandatory for any submission


  • Fill out the online registration form.
  • Submit the communication file online.




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